Open Collective
Open Collective
GitHub Payment Incoming & Digital Ocean Cluster update
Published on January 16, 2024 by Daniel Webb

Happy January everyone, 

GitHub Plan

we're approaching our renewal date on our GitHub plan, the renewal price is around $700, which we've seen benefits to this year. Our bursty loads for GitHub Actions meant our queues used to be 4 days long. This has come down to hours giving us a better turnaround on pull requests for contributors. As you may have noticed, our renewal price is lower than last year. We're reducing our seats to 16 (from 18) at the renewal date, as we've lost a few active members. 

If you cannot make significant contributions, like approving pull requests this year, we'd appreciate you notifying us! 


Our Digital Ocean plan has been doubled for the past 6 months whilst we've been migrating between clusters. That work has now been completed so the cost should be reduced from this month onwards. 

🎉  2
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