Open Collective
Open Collective
Welcome to Carol's Kindness
Published on September 27, 2022 by Carol Rabun

Welcome! Carol's Kindness+ is a simple solution, we directly rescue usable food that would have otherwise been thrown away from grocers, restaurants, and other food industry sources and make it available to families and individuals in our community. Food rescue is extremely effective because it simultaneously gets food to those who need it, reduces food waste, and minimizes the number of toxic emissions from food going to landfills. Several days a week, our volunteer-driven team use their personal vehicles to pick up food from locations which have donations. The food is then transferred directly from point A to point B, and in the hands of our neighbors. The food available varies from day-to-day and is healthy food that is either excess inventory or is not marketable at retail due to nearing expiration dates or slight defects such as bruising or mis shaping. Our food rescues are designed to be quick so that the food spends minimal time in transport. The process is simple, sustainable, and reliable.

While our focus is on rescuing food, Carol's Kindness+ also provides information to resources in the community including housing information, financial assistance, job postings/fairs, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help. The information comes from public knowledge, word-of-mouth, and our network of friends.

¡Bienvenidos! Carol's Kindness+ es una solución simple, rescatamos directamente alimentos utilizables que de otro modo habrían sido desechados de tiendas de comestibles, restaurantes y otras fuentes de la industria alimentaria y la hacemos disponible para familias e individuos de nuestra comunidad. El rescate de alimentos es extremadamente efectivo porque simultáneamente lleva alimentos a quienes los necesitan, reduce el desperdicio de alimentos y minimiza la cantidad de emisiones tóxicas de los alimentos que van a los vertederos. Varios días a la semana, nuestro equipo de voluntarios utiliza sus vehículos personales para recoger alimentos de los lugares que reciben donaciones. Luego, la comida se transfiere directamente del