Open Collective
Open Collective
v0.4.8 - Misc Fixes and Enhancements
Published on November 4, 2021 by Joseph Milazzo

 I started this release with the intention of it being small and targeted to rewrite search and make it more expansive, however half way through I realized, I really need the metadata code from the v0.5 release before I can implement my plan, so therefor, this release became a misc update aimed at fixing bugs found with the new influx of users.

This release is also smaller because I split the items going out. There was a large bug in the previous release where during scans, not all cover images would generate. I wanted to get that fix out, so I split most of the other stories (like webtoon polish) into another release (v0.4.9).

Breaking Change: Note that in this release, I have changed where all the config for the application lives. If you are not on docker, you don't need to do anything. Kavita will move your files to config/ directory on first run. If you are a docker user, all you need to do is change your mount point from:

docker run --name kavita -p 5000:5000 \
-v /your/manga/directory:/manga \
-v /kavita/data/directory:/kavita/data \
--restart unless-stopped \
-d kizaing/kavita:latest 
docker run --name kavita -p 5000:5000 \
-v /your/manga/directory:/manga \
-v /kavita/data/directory:/kavita/config \
--restart unless-stopped \
-d kizaing/kavita:latest 
aka data became config. If you forget this step, Kavita will notice and kill the server so you don't loose data.

You can find the release here.


  • When a series is added to the server, push that updated information to the Recently Added stream, without requiring refresh
  • Recently Added and In Progress streams now have bulk actions operations
  • Let the user click the incognito glasses from within the reader to turn off incognito mode. This is a one time change so they don't have to leave reader, open, and go to page.
  • Added the ability to use bulk selection to add multiple series to a Collection. Using the same interface as reading lists, you can add a new collection or use an existing.
  • Added missing background-image, border-image, list-style-image css property rewrites to the epub reader (common in epub-based comic books)
  • Bulk deletion of series is now possible


  • Moved all config (db, logs, cache, appsettings.json, etc) to config/ directory. This is a breaking change for Docker users. You must rebuild your containers following the readme/wiki.
  • In Progress stream now shows user progress on the cards
  • When a user is logged out automatically, don't show unauthorized error, just redirect them to login
  • Do not allow non-admins to change their passwords when authentication is disabled
  • Removed some verbose debugging statements and moved some debug to information to be more prevalent to logs for default installs.
  • Reduced some error logging when an image is a cover image, we intentionally skip, so we should intentionally not log an error
  • When the DB fails to save, log out all the series the user should look into for constraint issues and push a message to the admins connected to site. This has a side effect that we will allow the rest of the chunks to process even if one fails.
  • Stat upload will now schedule itself between midnight and 6am in server time for upload
  • Epubs with only absolute positioned content (common in comics) will now suppress the bottom action bar
  • Changed how we calculate if bottom action bar is needed in the epub reader to be more reliable with absolute positioned images (comic epubs)
  • Last Active field will now be updated for a user when they open an instance of Kavita in which they are already authenticated giving a better understanding to admins on when a user was last active on their server.


  • Remove base url messages from screens as this feature was cut last release and shouldn't show
  • Register user screen had white text color on a whitish text box. Colors have now been fixed across the app.
  • Fixed an issue where inputs on the registration page were not black
  • Fixed some resizing when typing a password and having a large amount of users with authentication off on login page
  • Don't inform the user about authentication messages when they don't touch that control on server settings page
  • Typeahead (collection input) now has same height as other input boxes
  • Fixed a missing css escape for '@import url()' syntax in css files for the Book Reader
  • Fixed a bug where backups directory wasn't mounted for docker users
  • Fixed a critical bug which caused some series to be skipped during a library scan.
  • Fixed a bug where searching on localized name would fail to show on the search.
  • Fixed a bug where extra spaces would cause the search results not to show properly.
  • Fixed a regression where specials with keywords like "oneshot" wouldn't actually become a special of the series. This was due to not falling back to parsing series from folder name and just taking filename series.
  • Fixed a missed parsing case where comic special parsing wasn't being called on comic libraries
  • Fixed an issue where the dropdown on the admin server page would not work on Safari or other iOS browsers.
  • Fixed an issue when css escaping epub files, where imports would sometimes fail to rewrite url paths due to other naming convention
  • Fixed parsing issues resulting in broken pages due to unique situations like imported css files with no content, different comment formats than expected in CSS files, etc.
  • Removed an empty File for when covers/ had nothing in it.
  • Fixed an issue where docker users were not properly backing up the database.
  • Fixed a bug in the scanner where we fall back to parsing from folders for poorly named files. The code was exiting early if a chapter or volume could be parsed out.
  • Fixed a case where cover image selection preferred nested folders vs files in root directory for archives. This results in improved cover image selection.
  • Ignore Hidden and System folders when doing a library scan
  • Accept all forwarded headers to fix an issue where **some** epubs could have nested requests on HTTP, when user is using HTTPS reverse proxy, thus causing images or fonts to fail to load.