Open Collective
Open Collective

Collective pending approval.

Awaiting approval from Open Collective Host.



Young leaders dedicated to improving our community!


paloaltoglobalshapers is all of us

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The Global Shapers Hub of Palo Alto was founded in May 2014. The worldwide organization of which it is a part was born out of an initiative started by The World Economic Forum in 2011 to gather "young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievement and their drive to make a contribution to their communities.” The Global Shapers of Palo Alto was created to capitalize on the unique opportunity present in Silicon Valley to gather highly accomplished young professionals for the purpose of improving their immediate community and the world. This includes addressing issues of housing, socioeconomics, gender and racial inequality, homelessness, healthcare, the environment and education through a series of events, workshops, activities and initiatives. These projects typically focus on promoting awareness, catalyzing action and bringing important opportunities for positive change to the global community by way of connections both inside and outside of the Hub.

Our team