Open Collective
Open Collective
Action Required: Transfer your recurring donation to LA Street Care's new fundraising platform!
Published on March 15, 2024 by Kris R

Dear supporter,

Unfortunately, our fiscal sponsor recently announced its dissolution, meaning OpenCollective Foundation will suspend all donations to LA Street Care starting tomorrow, March 15. We would be incredibly grateful if you would take a moment to recommit your support by setting up a monthly donation on our new fundraising platform.

While public officials continue to fail our unhoused neighbors, our organization depends on financial support from the community to help fill in the gaps. In 2024 alone, your donations provided hundreds of unhoused Angelenos with survival supplies and helped prevent multiple people from falling into homelessness.

How can I continue to support LA Street Care?
You can set up a one-time or monthly donation on our new fundraising platform.

Do I need to cancel my recurring donation on OpenCollective?
No. OpenCollective will automatically terminate all recurring donations.

Who is your new fiscal sponsor?
Hack Club is an open-source nonprofit that was created by and for STEM student groups to fundraise for school coding clubs and hackathons, competitions to code functioning software in a limited timeframe. Since 2018, Hack Club has sponsored a growing number of justice-oriented groups. We did our due diligence and promise this isn’t some weird crypto scam–their EIN is 81-2908499 if you want to check for yourself!

Will my donations still be tax-deductible?
Yes. Hack Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

What is a fiscal sponsor?
Fiscal sponsorship provides our organization with 501(c)(3) status. Hack Club also provides a fundraising platform, accounting, and administrative support.

Why do you need a fiscal sponsor?
Some mutual aid groups operate without fiscal sponsorship, but new laws have created increased tax liability for organizers who fundraise without one.

We appreciate your continued support! For updates about our work, follow LA Street Care on Instagram or Twitter.