Open Collective
Open Collective

Leon Noel


Managing Director of Engineering @ResilientCoders & Community Member / Teacher @ #100Devs



Leon Noel is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and educator with a passion for training people underrepresented in tech for high growth careers as software engineers. As Managing Director of Engineering for Resilient Coders, Leon has helped train and place hundreds of Black and Brown engineers into family sustaining engineering roles. Before Resilient Coders, he co-founded SocialSci, a scientific surveying platform relied upon by over 4,000 academic institutions and held an associate position at Harvard University. He is a regular lecturer at Harvard Business School, a guest lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Business, and a Distinguished Faculty Member at General Assembly. His recent focus, 100Devs, has grown into a 50,000+ global developer community that operates a full-service digital agency with a FREE year-long software engineering bootcamp, allowing anyone to contribute to real projects and earn real money while they learn.  He has worked with major brands such as Shawmut Construction, BMW, and Microsoft to train engineers and bring new technology to market. His technological pursuits have been featured in numerous publications including Tech Crunch, Black Enterprise, and the Boston Globe.
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