Open Collective
Open Collective

Drupal Users Group Meeting

On the second Wednesday of every month at a rotating location, come to the Portland Drupal User Group meetup to talk about Drupal and hear a few presentations.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC-07:00)
Created by: Portland Drupal!


These meetups are for ALL levels of Drupal users, from those of us who have only briefly heard of it but are interested in learning more to those of us who know a lot of but are always looking to learn more! Come get involved!

Check out the official Portland Drupal Users Group site at . The site has more information about local Drupal meetups, events and opportunities.

Following the meetup, we will head to a nearby pub for socializing.

Our team

Ryan Price

Portland is now on Open Collective. We would li...

Chris Bloom

Core Contributor

Erin Rasmussen

Core Contributor

Greg Boggs

Core Contributor

Christefano R...

Core Contributor

Samuel Mortenson

Core Contributor

John Learned

Core Contributor
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