Open Collective
Open Collective

New School Mutual Aid Fund


This funding platform was created in 2020 by a small group of staff and faculty members who embrace the justice and care components of our university mission. We came together to assess the needs in our community and provide support in the face of multiple pandemics, racialized violence, and economic insecurity.   

 As of September 22, 2022, we have raised $34,378.66 from 188 contributors, with recurring monthly contributions of $660.00. We have distributed $23,926.83, and our current balance is $10,451.83. 
  • As of now, we are no longer actively fundraising for the Collective. 
  • The New School Mutual Aid Form for assistance for staff and faculty will remain open until Monday, September 30, 2022 at 5:00pm EST. See below for more details. 
  • We aim to draw down on the remaining balance of funds using requests for assistance and archive the Collective on October 31, 2022 and disband our membership. Archiving will automatically terminate all future contributions. If you prefer to halt your contribution now, feel free to do so. 
If you are experiencing reduced employment, separation from the university, altered work schedules, life challenges such as increased medical expenses, or an increase in household needs (food, childcare, eldercare, or transportation due to being required to be on campus - particularly extended to those who feel unsafe using public transportation), use the New School Mutual Aid Form to articulate the assistance you require.  We are here for you.  You can learn more about our history and our work here.
We are deeply grateful to those who have contributed funds to this effort.  Your generosity speaks volumes on the truest meaning of community. Thank You for your donations.  
In Community,
The New School Mutual Aid Collective ([email protected])
Shana Agid, Associate Professor of Arts, Media, and Communication, Parsons
Katayoun Chamany, Mohn Family Professor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Lang College 
Natalie Gross, Director of Civic Engagement and Social Justice, Lang College 
Chantel King, Production Manager, CoPA
Miller Oberman, Program Director, First-year Writing, Lang College 
Mia Charlene White, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, NSPE and Milano
Former Members
Julie Beth Napolin, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, Lang College 
This  Collective's Fiscal Host is a registered 501 c(3) non-profit organization - Open Collective. Your contribution will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

Open Collective
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