Open Collective
Open Collective


We honour the legacy of Doctor Agatha Elisabeth Sidlauskas.


The Sidlauskas Collective is comprised of former students and staff of Venta Preparatory School and their families. It is committed to preserving her legacy in the physical and digital world.

It is not currently accepting funds. If it were to in the future, members of the collective would have the capability of donating and tracking transparently the allocation of their capital. Businesses and individuals would have the right to submit expenses or invoices for work that aligns with the values of the Collective. A fiscal host is responsible for taxes, accounting, compliance, financial admin, and paying expenses approved by the Collective’s core contributors (admins). I, Bronson Richard, do not want to be a sole fiscal host. I am hoping a Venta Alumni association can take the reigns and for leaders among us to step up to help administrate the collective.

Below are some of the core values that Doc taught us and how I see them applying to the modern world. I would love to collaborate with others to improve on these, and set goals that we can all agree align with her values.


We will protect the freedom of information, and privacy of learners and educators.

During the unlawful Soviet occupation of Lithuania in WWII, academics and achievers were executed. 
"Lithuanians were thrown into the streets.", Doc recalled, "The persecution was total."

She was to act as a honey pot for Lithuanian intelligentsia, 
“The idea was that I would be helpful to them. I was a very active girl as an academic in Lithuania and a good person to indicate who was where.”

Doc instead told "the biggest lie of [her] life," providing her interrogators with false leads and the names of academics that she knew had already been executed.

JUSTITIA - Justice

We will ensure the grounds of 2013 Old Carp Road are maintained, and remain a constructive and safe place for learners of every kind.

Doc received a $2 million grant to build a child studies center for the University of Ottawa. The funds were used in part to purchase the 50-acre former site of Venta. The property was used initially as the summer program for the University of Ottawa Child Study Centre from 1958 to 1979. Doc later converted the property to found Venta Preparatory School; her summer program became Camp Venta.

Doc's outdoor summer program evolved eventually into 5 Star Camps which instills Doc's values into their staff and campers to this day.

Aspire Academy carries Doc's flame in their continuing research into tailored natural environment teaching and one-on-one diagnostic care for ASD Learners.

Doc's house, including her library, is owned and maintained on property by Venta's former Principal.

“Children are special creatures,” says Doc. “Because of this, the educational environment needs to be developed for the child and not the other way around with the child having to develop according to the educational environment.”

CARITAS - Charity

Ensure Doc's teachings are practiced and disseminated such that all have equal opportunity to a tailored education using existing FOSS as building blocks.

All those that knew her will attest to her warmth and fierce passion for the well being of her "children".

Venta’s guiding principle was the creation of an environment where children can “reach the full unfolding of their personalities to achieve their highest academic potential.” We intend to share that gift with everyone who wants it.

Under Doc’s caring influence and guidance, children like myself in Canada and beyond its borders are set to thrive for many years to come.

Our team


Let’s get the ball rolling!


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

What is this all about?

Published on October 12, 2020 by Bronson Richard

Thank you for your interest. As a Venta Alumni, and one of Doc's "Children" I feel a moral obligation to uphold her values. In founding this collective, I hope to coordinate with my fellow Alumni, the businesses that have interest in the fo...

News from Sidlauskas

Updates on our activities and progress.

Git establishment

A Git has been established on GitHub to coordinate the construction and transparency of the software that this Collective supports.When financially supporting a server b...
Read more
Published on October 12, 2020 by Bronson Richard
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