Open Collective
Open Collective

Training Europe

We offer open collective trainings and webinars to hosts and collectives in Europe


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Help us provide free support and trainings to collectives that can't afford them

Starts at
€5 EUR / month

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Recurring contribution

Help us provide free support and trainings to collectives that can't afford them

Starts at
€100 EUR / month

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One-time contribution

1h webinar

Starts at
€150 EUR

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One-time contribution
20h pack

20h to be used within 3 months for support and training

€2,000 EUR

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Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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Top financial contributors

The Social Change Nest

2,000 EUR since May 2020

Training Europe is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Training Europe.


Transparent and open finances.

-€1,221.47 EUR
Invoice #195481
Invoice #48845
Contribution #367160
Today’s balance

--.-- EUR

Total raised

€1,772.01 EUR

Total disbursed

€1,772.01 EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


The Open Collective platform is a very powerful tool to enable your community to collect and disburse money transparently but it could be a bit daunting at first. It always helps when you can have an experienced person to walk you through the different features and share some exemples with you.

If you need training for people in your collective or for your organisation as a fiscal host on Open Collective, we can help. Trainings are online over Zoom. We can provide them in English, French or Dutch.

The instructors

  • Jean-François (aka JF) has been managing open collectives hosts since 2017 (Open Collective Brussels, Open Collective Europe). He also worked for 2 years at Growfunding where he helped social impact projects do crowdfunding in Brussels.
  • Leen has created the fiscal host All for Climate with Xavier in 2019 and has been managing it ever since. It's a host dedicated to climate justice collective across Europe. She's also a very experienced facilitator with a specialty in "deep democracy".
  • Xavier started Open Collective in 2015 in the US and is now also based in Brussels.


  • We have been doing countless of walkthrough and support to various collectives and we plan to continue to do so. But to make this sustainable, we also need to charge for some of them. So if you are an organisation that has some funding, we ask you to kindly pay for this service as companies usually do.
  • If you can't afford it, please reach out.

Our team

Open Collective
Make your community sustainable.



  • Create a Collective
  • About Fiscal Hosting
  • Discover
  • Find a Fiscal Host
  • Become a sponsor
  • Become a Host

