3DShape PLUS has been archived.
3DShape PLUS has been archived and is no longer active.

3DShape PLUS
Part of: Construct Community
A 3DShape-specific Behavior extending the capabilities and features of the 3DShape Plugin !
Today's Balance
Estimated Annual Budget
V1 - 3DShape Plus

Special thanks to uDevah who already donated 1000€ to the project !!
RELEASED: https://github.com/OverboyDev/3DShape-PLUS
3D Shape Plus is a Construct 3 Behavior to add new features to the Vanilla 3DShape Plugin. When funded, the behavior will be released for free with a basic project example on a new itch.io page. It will also be released as open source, so others can contribute and update the behavior.
The first batch of features adds Properties and ACE to manipulate the visual of any 3D Shape easily.
It introduce a 3D Shape Skin feature letting you swap the skin of your 3DShapes, using frames stored in any Sprite Object of your project.
Developed by Overboy
Other Construct Addons : https://overboy.itch.io/
Initial Goal 1300 € (Release and open source)
The first goal will fund completing the above feature set and releasing the addon for free, along with an open source repo
The supported Properties, Actions, Conditions and Expressions for the first version of this Addon will be:
[Properties] SkinBank Sprite Object & Skin Name : those properties allow to set the face textures of the Shape to the frames contained in an animation of any external Sprite Object, on startup.
It allows you to use any Sprite ObjectType of your project as a Skin Bank for your 3DShape skins
see example usecases in the action description achieving the same thing
[Property] Set All Faces To {Chosen Face} : allow to quickly set all faces of the 3DShape to use the image of a particular Face. Useful to avoid duplicating 6 times the same image for each face of the Shape. On startup, it will be automatically applied, not need to use an Action.
[Properties] SkinBank Sprite Object & Skin Name : those properties allow to set the face textures of the Shape to the frames contained in an animation of any external Sprite Object, on startup.
It allows you to use any Sprite ObjectType of your project as a Skin Bank for your 3DShape skins
see example usecases in the action description achieving the same thing
[Property] Set All Faces To {Chosen Face} : allow to quickly set all faces of the 3DShape to use the image of a particular Face. Useful to avoid duplicating 6 times the same image for each face of the Shape. On startup, it will be automatically applied, not need to use an Action.
[Action] Set Skin {Skin Name} from {SkinBank Sprite Object} : Allow to change the textures of the Shape to an other skin (contained in an Animation "Skin" in any "SkinBank" Sprite Object).
Example usecases :
- Change the texture dynamically when the 3D Shape is damaged (Crate_LittleDamage, Crate_Burnt, Crate_BigDamages, Crate_Exploded, Crate_Destroyed)
- or when the user is recolting a Tree/Mining Oars like in Minecraft
- Allow to "upgrade" 3DShape Objects during gameplay, like in a Sim Game or City Builder where player can upgrade their building or swapping skins/color palettes for decorations in their Home.
- Randomly setting variant texture to some shapes to avoid repetitions (for Cars, Crates, Walls)
- Generating a Level Design quickly using blockout at edit-time and generating all relevant texture on startup
[Action] Set All Faces To Face : Allow to quickly set all faces of the 3DShape to use the image of a particular Face, dynamically at runtime.
[Action] Set All Faces To Object : Allow to quickly set all faces of the 3DShape to use the image of a particular Face, dynamically at runtime.
And more : i also plan to add other QOL and ACE to easily manipulate the aspect of the 3DShapes, like resetting the face to their original image for example. Or some ACEs to easily get/compare the Names of the current SkinBank Sprite and the Skin Animation

Developed by Overboy
Other Construct Addons : https://overboy.itch.io/
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-€1,300.00 EUR
Credit from Construct Community to 3DShape PLUS •
Contribution #750093
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€1,300.32 EUR
Total disbursed
€1,300.32 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€202.00 EUR

3DShape PLUS is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting 3DShape PLUS.