Google Cloud Firestore modern and simplest convenient ORM package in Python. FireO is specifically designed for the Google's Firestore

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Version 1.1.2
What's New1 - Range attribute in NumberFieldSponsor FireO to make it better
Published on December 10, 2019 by Azeem Haider
Version 1.1.0
What's NewDelete document nested subcollections Read MoreDelete multiple document by providing key list
Published on December 10, 2019 by Azeem Haider
Major Version 1.0.0
What's NewGoogle cloud Firestore batch operationsAtomically update List and numbersBug FixRead DocSponsor FireO to make it better
Published on December 10, 2019 by Azeem Haider

Google Cloud Firestore Client Library, FireO a modern and simplest convenient ORM package in Python. Specifically designed for the Google’s Firestore. It implements validation, type checking, relational model logic and much more facilities. FireO is more than just ORM
Our team
Azeem Haider