Four years working to help bring together people who do Agroecology and Agroforestry
Published on November 22, 2021 by Marcelo Soares Souza

This year we completed four years of existence and persistence with 565 contributors, 291 registered locations, 204 experiences in agroecology or agroforestry and 49 organizations.
This is an action that emerged during the preparation of the 10th Brazilian Congress of Agroecology, the 6th Latin American Congress of Agroecology and the 5th Agroecology Seminar of the Federal District and Surroundings, held in Brasília / DF, from September 12 to 15. 2017.
We believe in freedom, solidarity and sustainability. And we would like to continue our journey with your help. Together, walking and planting, respectfully, to gather new fruits, knowledge, practices and thus build sustainable and fair solutions.
We believe that the Free Software movement's ideals of building "Socially Fair, Economically Viable and Technologically Sustainable" technology are in perfect synergy and sync with the many ideas and practices of Agroecology.
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroecologie #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroecologymap #sustentabilidade #sustainability #gis #freesoftware #opensource #softwarelivre #fsf