Open Collective
Open Collective
Ionide Analyzers
Published on March 29, 2024 by Edgar Gonzalez

Diving into F#? It's like trying to learn the secret handshake of an ancient society. This language has been around for nearly two decades, and it's filled with multiple ways to skin the coding cat. Some methods are dusty relics, not exactly what you'd call "best practice" these days. But hey, you're not going to soak up all that old-school wisdom in one night.

Enter F# analyzers. We're throwing our chips in with these handy tools to nudge you towards the F# golden path. They're like your code's personal trainers, spotting issues based on a bunch of rules they've got up their sleeves.

Take this for a spin: `a = null` might look the same as `isNull a` to fresh eyes, but under the hood, the latter's zipping by the former. To a newbie, it's a "tomayto, tomahto" situation, but in the realm of runtime, performance matters.

Here's the kicker: F# doesn't have its own analyzer toolkit like C# does. But no sweat, the cool cats at Ionide whipped up a community analyzer SDK. It's a goldmine for crafting your own analyzer, but the catch? Someone's got to actually sit down and hammer these analyzers out.

Analyzers are in this special club with tooling and compiler tech—a club most F# devs don't frequent. It's a whole different beast compared to your everyday app development. We've even run some sessions to demystify this stuff (check 'em out: Our dream? To stir up enough excitement for folks to jump into the fray and beef up our community project ( But the reality? Crickets. So, we decided to bring out the big guns and hire a contractor.

Enter Florian from our own squad, a seasoned pro in F# compiler shenanigans and Ionide SDK wizardry. The plan was simple: dedicate a full day and brainstorm some sharp analyzer ideas from this GitHub thread.

And boy, did it pay off:

- Boom! 7 new analyzers in v0.10.0! (Yeah, we counted one twice—wink, wink).
- 6 of these bad boys come with code fixes in Ionide.
- We threw these analyzers at every codebase we could find, and guess what? They didn't miss a beat. Example:

Get ready for some eye candy:

This experiment wasn't just for kicks. It's proof that these contributions are the real deal, requiring a unique blend of skills and time. It's about supporting the people who make these PRs a reality and pushing the F# community forward.

Massive thanks to everyone who's chipped into our Open Collective. Your support fuels our mission to not just keep the lights on, but to brighten the F# universe even more!

Amplifying greetings,

David, Edgar, Florian & Jimmy