Open Collective
Open Collective
v1.1.6 of The Hitchhiker's Guide is live!
Published on April 2, 2023 by Anonymous Planet


Today we mark the first release of the Hitchhiker's Guide, which has long been available to all. 

No BS like other "guides". No propaganda. It doesn't include sponsored content or affiliates.

You have read many guides, but none this comprehensive, nor this well-composed. We have been on this path for a while, and many have tried to sabotage and attack us, because of the information we have put into one easy-to-digest read. Because we have lived up to the promises we made, entire governments have attempted to take down our domain. This project means more to us than words on a page. It provides knowledge of privacy and security to people in hostile nations. It provides a way for journalists, whistleblowers and dissidents to communicate their struggles and facilitate change. We will not stop. Ever.

Check it out here. Feedback is welcome. We ask fellow members of the cybersecurity community to review and provide suggestions to the project. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us on Matrix, email, or Twitter. All of which are here.

Yours truly,
Anonymous Planet