Open Collective
Open Collective
[email protected] has been released
Published on June 15, 2024 by afc163

  • Typography 
    • 🐞 Fix Typography component's ellipsis not working properly in pre tag. #49168 @nova1751
    • 🐞 Fix Typography ellipsis sometimes not working in Safari. #49221
  • 🐞 Fix Space size setting to 0 did not take effect. #49192 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Fix padding of Progress text is invalid in cssinjs. #49250 @vagusX
  • 🐞 Fix Modal close button's zIndex being incorrect in cssVar mode. #49238
  • 🐞 Fix Image width height being applied to preview images. #49259 @nova1751
  • 🐞 Fix the icon of the Pagination page switcher disappears when hovering. #49262
  • 🐞 Fix Mentions not responding to Enter event when loading=true. #49292 @wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix Notification did not inherit App config properties. #49339 @hemengke1997
  • 💄 Fix the text color of Drawer was incorrect in dark mode. #49217
  • 💄 Fix the style was not visible and the percent progress was not passed when customizing the indicator of Spin. #49211 @wanpan11
  • DatePicker 
    • 🐞 Fix the placement property of DatePicker/TimePicker was invalid. #49303
    • 💄 Fix the content in the DatePicker header area is not centered. #49332
  • TypeScript 
  • 🌐 Locales 
  • Typography 
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 组件的 ellipsis 在 pre 标签中没有正常工作的问题。#49168 @nova1751
    • 🐞 修复 Typography ellipsis 在 Safari 中有时不生效的问题。#49221
  • 🐞 修复 Space size 设置 0 不生效的问题。#49192 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 修复 Progress 文本的 padding 在 cssinjs 下单位失效问题。#49250 @vagusX
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 关闭按钮的 zIndex 在 cssVar 模式下不正确的问题。#49238
  • 🐞 修复 Image width height 被应用到预览图片上的问题。#49259 @nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 页码切换器 hover 时图标消失的问题。#49262
  • 🐞 修复 Mentions 当 loading=true 时不响应 Enter 事件的问题。#49292 @wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Notification 没有继承 App config 属性的问题。#49339 @hemengke1997
  • 💄 修复 Drawer 在暗黑模式下,文本颜色不正确的问题。#49217
  • 💄 修复 Spin 自定义 indicator 时,样式不可见以及 percent 进度没有传递的问题。#49211 @wanpan11
  • DatePicker 
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker/TimePicker placement 属性失效的问题。#49303
    • 💄 修复 DatePicker 头部区域内容不居中对齐的问题。#49332
  • TypeScript 
  • 🌐 国际化