Grant #241504 to Art Workers for Palestine Scotland
Grant #241504
Submitted by Vivid
Mar 5, 2025
Request Details
£0.01 GBP
Total amount £0.01 GBP
Additional Information
Pay to
payout method
Bank account
********By Vivid
on Expense created
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
BPOC Travel Fund
The mutual aid travel fund is available to all Black, Brown and Racialised people living in Scotland, (you do not have to be an art worker to claim) If you have/will incur travel costs for yourself/anyone to travel in and around Scotland, please use this fund to cover costs, no questions asked. You can claim up to £50 per month, in any form of amount/s that works best for you.
It is a solidarity fund aimed at redistributing contributions across our communities.
How it works:
1. Follow the link in the bio to AW4PS Open Collective site.
2.Fill out the details. You will need to add bank details and a username. Only your username will be seen publicly and this doesn’t have to be your real name. You do not need a reciept or invoice.
3. An AW4PS admin will process your claim
within approx 5 working days.
Anonymity will always be respected and information accessible to AW4PS Open Collective admins will not be shared.
For any questions or support with claiming email: [email protected]
For AW4PS Accses Fund
The mutual aid travel fund is available to all Black, Brown and Racialised people living in Scotland, (you do not have to be an art worker to claim) If you have/will incur travel costs for yourself/anyone to travel in and around Scotland, please use this fund to cover costs, no questions asked. You can claim up to £50 per month, in any form of amount/s that works best for you.
It is a solidarity fund aimed at redistributing contributions across our communities.
How it works:
1. Follow the link in the bio to AW4PS Open Collective site.
2.Fill out the details. You will need to add bank details and a username. Only your username will be seen publicly and this doesn’t have to be your real name. You do not need a reciept or invoice.
3. An AW4PS admin will process your claim
within approx 5 working days.
Anonymity will always be respected and information accessible to AW4PS Open Collective admins will not be shared.
For any questions or support with claiming email: [email protected]
For AW4PS Accses Fund
AW4PS requires formal pre-approval for all expenses. Please email [email protected] before incurring any reimbursable expenses.
*In line with the full transparency of AW4PS, the available budget, all financial (other than incognito) contributions and expenses reimbursed can be viewed at the Open Collective account here.*
Open Collective requires that you must upload a valid receipt or invoice clearly showing the total amount, date, legal address, and what the payment is for.
Information listed publicly on the collective page will be: the user name, and the content you put in the description category. Please do not include information you wish to remain confidential in that text box.
Please include an email or some other way that we can contact you and follow up about the request if needed. Requests will be collectively reviewed on a weekly basis. It is our aim to fulfill all requests however as we negotiate the range of community needs so you may be asked to wait for your request to be returned.
*You can check in with the finance support team via email on [email protected] if you need to discuss, or need assistance with, your expenses request or donation.*
How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.
Collective balance
£579.95 GBPFiscal Host:
The Social Change Nest