Open Collective
Open Collective
CY24 Update: Milestones & Momentum
Published on November 12, 2023 by Madeline Krebs

As another year wraps, the Austin Shapers are incredibly thankful for our community support!

This was a momentous year for our hub, as we received a grant from Edelman Public Relations and we were selected to join the Climate Reality Project Incubator, which also resulted in the grant funds for our hub. This funding will play a critical role in supporting our Climate Resiliency Training, which will officially kick off at the end of November, in partnership with the Community First Village (CF!V). The funds will go directly toward equipping residents for CF!V with supplies ahead of Austin's most severe winter weather months and accompany our training on how they can best prepare themselves, their homes and their community for extreme weather.

Beyond our hubs focus on gearing up for this project, we managed the ongoing challenges of growing our hub membership, and saying goodbye to valuable hub members as they moved away from Austin or aged out of the WEF Global Shaper age requirements. As part of our efforts to onboard new members and expand our reach, we hosted a SXSW happy hour event and a retreat for our new hub members.

We are extremely excited for the year ahead. We are looking forward to looking to pivoting our work on our Winter Climate Resiliency Training into a summer series focused on staying cool amid rising temperatures and continuing to help vulnerable populations prepare for our changing climate. We also have several other projects in-progress that we are looking forward to sharing in the year ahead. In big ways and small, the Global Shapers are excited to make an impact on our local community!