Open Collective
Open Collective
Just one more week until BarCamp!
Published on August 2, 2024 by Kit Ryan

Hey gang, it's Kit with the BarCamp organizing team!

I'm going to start with what I feel is the more imperative topic to address: this massive power outage. We hope all of you are safe and doing okay! Apparently this is the biggest outage Omaha has ever had. Relating to that, our venue (Aviture) is still without power, and OPPD predicts it will take up to a week to restore everyone's power. While this is hypothetically before BarCamp, there is still a non-zero chance that Aviture still will not have power by BarCamp time, so we're reaching out to alternative venues just in case we need to relocate. We're also exploring the idea of having the event digitally in our Discord if we are unable to secure a physical location. So please keep an eye out for updates from us on this ongoing matter.

Now onto some of the fun updates! We want to thank our biggest sponsors: Unabridged Software, who's sponsoring the Technology track; Aviture, our lovely host who is sponsoring the Makers track; Do Space, who's sponsoring the Design track; Buildertrend, who's sponsoring Kitchen Sink; and Millwork Commons whom you can thank for our Chipotle lunch! We also want to thank Bryan Findell and Skid Vis for sponsoring our super cool t-shirts this year!

We are still welcoming more sponsors, you can check out the different sponsorship tiers here!

As for tickets, if any of your friends have been procrastinating on getting theirs, there's only 12 left!! Tickets are still for sale through Open Collective.

We are also still looking for volunteers, who get free entry to BarCamp! We're only able to make this possible with awesome people like you. If you'd like to help out, fill out the form here!

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday the 10th! Doors open at 8am for delicious breakfast treats and coffee, and talks will start at 9. See you then!