Open Collective
Open Collective
Bincrafters No Longer Seeking Community Contributions (For Now)
Published on December 31, 2019 by solvingj

Hello All,

The Bincrafters team has received a great deal of charitable contribution from Conan community members. We've used this to fund our continuous integration services such as Appveyor and TravisCI. While these great service providers offer free tiers, they had limits on the number of concurrent builds we could perform. Due to the nature of C and C++ packaging, we needed far more than the free tier offered, and so we were able to upgrade to plans that allowed our build queue to be reasonable. This has been a great success for the Conan user community as a whole.

Last year, JFrog also began sponsoring Bincrafters CI via This kind of corporate sponsorship was significantly greater than the rest of our community contributors combined. As a result, we've ended up with a large surplus of funds on OpenCollective. Thus, we've decided to stop taking contributions from the community members for the time being, and even refund back as many of those contributions as we can (we're currently working with OpenCollective on the details of this). We will continue accepting the JFrog contributions which is sufficient to cover all our current CI expenses.

We are not finished with our work on the Bincrafters team, and may open up to taking contributions in the future if the landscape changes. However, for now, if you wish to contribute to Bincrafters, please continue to reach out to us via social media, Github Issues, or the CPPLang slack workspace. We love interacting with the Conan community, and hope to continue doing so.

We are deeply thankful to those who have contributed their personal funds to our teams efforts, and we hope we have made the kind of positive impact our contributors envisioned.


The Bincrafters Team