The Hunter & Central Coast have some important decisions to make about the future of our region. We also have a wonderful community of people with diverse knowledge, histories, cultures, experiences and skills, that want to be part of shaping this future.
Participatory democracy, collaboration and community led approaches offer a more democratic, just and empowering way of making these decisions and building this future. We want to bring people, communities, organisations, business, sector and government together to develop strong relationships and collective responses.
We invite you to participate in:
A presentation and discussion to:
- learn about participatory democracy and the different models and approaches to increase and empower
- meet and hear from different organisations and individuals applying these approaches in our region
- showcase participatory democracy initiatives and activities occurring in our region
- participate in a discussion to explore how we can collectively build participatory democracy.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 2229 3956
Password: 376503
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Meeting ID: 815 2229 3956
Password: 376503
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMCR6XwFv
For more information about:
- NENA visit: www.neweconomy.org
- COE visit: www.coalitionofeveryone.com
- BZE visit: https://bze.org.au
- Hunter Community Alliance visit: www.facebook.com/HunterCommunityAlliance/
- Hunter Renewal visit: www.hunterrenewal.org.au
Our team
Meaghan Burkett
Andrew Ward
Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #85817
Contribution #85560
Contribution #85130
Today’s balance$51.42 AUD
Total raised
$51.42 AUD
Total disbursed
--.-- AUD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- AUD