Open Collective
Open Collective
Vicky Tamaru talks about buildJUSTLY on podcast
Published on October 12, 2023 by Vicky Tamaru

Copied directly from the Charge the Wave Podcast with Vicky Tamaru - YouTube page

In this episode of Charge the Wave, we welcome guest Vicky Tamaru, an entrepreneur and founder of the nonprofit, 'Build Justly'. With a rich background in consulting for big and small tech firms and creating tech solutions for prominent brands, Vicky hails from Honolulu but has called the Pacific Northwest home.

Tune in to this episode as Vicky Tamaru talks about:
* Vicky’s Personal Odyssey & the Inception of 'The Build Justly' Nonprofit and its aim to make a difference in the world
* Equitable Technology — what Vicky wishes more people understood about the importance and impact of equitable technology in today's world.
* Disruptors vs. Agitators — Vicky's perspective on the distinction between being a disruptor and an agitator, and which role she identifies with or prefers.
* Entrepreneurship & Resilience — The challenges of the entrepreneurial journey and how Vicky manages her mental and physical well-being amidst the ups and downs.

Connect with Vicky Tamaru:
* Connect with Vicky on LinkedIn:
* Visit the buildJUSTLY website: