Open Collective
Open Collective
Update on 3D Printed USB-A Magnetic Release Open Hardware Project
Published on December 31, 2023 by Melanie Allen

In my last update, I submitted a reimbursement request for hardware purchased for my development of the 3D Printed BusKill USB-A Magnetic Release Version 3. I've used that hardware to create Version 3 and its documentation. I'm close to finalizing the assembly procedure and am in the process of documenting the steps.
View a demo of a prototype with n42 cube magnets:

View Part 1/2 of the assembly instructions:


There will be some minor fixes required for the design of the 3D printed case, particularly the face pieces, to create a better magnetic connection that resists unwanted disconnections while still easily disconnecting. 

I'm submitting to cover expenses for 16 magnets and 16 pogo pins. With these parts I'll be able to create 2-4 prototypes where I can zero in on any design changes that can make a better connection for the coupler. 

Thank you!

Thanks again to those who support this project! Your contributions make it possible for me to improve this design and make it so that anyone can make their own BusKill cord.