Hey, y'all! It's been a good minute since we've met up and 2023 was a challenging year for the organization. But, things are starting to come together nicely for us to start taking strong steps forward into our next chapter!
New name. Same mission.
First bit of news is our name change. For years, we’ve operated as Code for Atlanta - a Brigade part of Code for America’s Brigade Network. Unfortunately, in early 2023, Code for America decided to disband the Brigade Network. With that decision, a few changes were mandated to us:
Become an independent brigade
Restructure our finances
Remove “Code for” from our brigade name
In order to avoid legal action from Code for America for non-compliance, a lot of intentional thought went into what we wanted the new name to be. It was agreed to remain committed to our mission and the name should reflect that. After consideration and deliberation, we arrived at Civic Tech Atlanta as our new identity.
In addition to the name change, you’ll see new faces contributing to the organization. As a volunteer-led organization, it’s fantastic to watch more volunteers step up to contribute to maintaining the organization.
Thanks to you, we remain a leader-full organization!
Upcoming events
Everyone has asked. Everyone is eager.
Our flagship event series, Hack Nights, didn’t happen during 2023. But we are working on bringing our in-person meetings back soon.
We will send out information once we have dates solidified.
Peek into our funding
Lastly, one of the notable changes is the move from Code for America as our Fiscal Sponsor over to Open Collective Foundation. There’s no change in how we’ll operate, but we have gained the benefit of our organization's funds being open and transparent on Civic Tech Atlanta’s Open Collective profile.
This change gives us the benefit of transparency, plus a simpler way for others to support the organization with financial donations!