Open Collective
Open Collective
Thank you for all of your support in 2023!
Published on December 21, 2023 by Dante O'Hara

Hello supporters, friends, siblings from the Claudia Jones School team!

2023 has been a whirlwind of struggle, from the struggle for the railroad workers for their sick leave, to the struggle against war and racism, to the teamsters and UAW contract fights, and the struggle for a free Palestine. Here are some highlights from our work this year:

  • Led a coalition and campaign to pass a resolution in the Washington, DC Council to call for the of the 60+ year U.S. blockade on Cuba and to remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism List. 
  • Participated in the newly-founded #HandsOffDC Coalition, which was a response to the U.S. federal government rolling back DC laws, particularly the revised criminal code of the city. This repeal was an attack on our local democracy and put the issue of Home Rule and Statehood in the forefront of our struggle. 
  • Hosted Afro-Cuban journalist, Liz Oliva Fernandez, from Belly of the Beast Cuba for two film screenings from the docuseries. 
  • Played a leading role in the steering committee of the Latin American Policy Forum, led by CODEPINK and other partners, which was culminating the 200 year anniversary of the U.S. Monroe Doctrine and how to determine the fights to defeat the two-century year old imperialist policy.
  • Hosted LGBTQ+ panels and drag performances during Pride Month and also raised money for Middle Eastern Children's Alliance and local Palestinian diaspora organizations in their fight against Israeli apartheid and Zionist oppression. 
  • Participated in travel delegations to Nicaragua to commemorate the anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution.
  • Hosted our first ever labor organizing school, where we brought together nearly 40 young labor activists to discuss how to build the labor union density and labor movement in Washington, DC.
  • Hosted regular Saturday School programming to discuss the major issues of the day from a working class perspective. 
  • Launched a book club in partnership with Sankofa Bookstore & Cafe to begin study on books regarding the politics of our School and issues of the day.
  • Taking a leading role in a local campaign to pass a permanent ceasefire resolution in the DC Council in regards to the Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the Palestinian people. 
  • Hosted a Palestine Cultural Night which gathered close to 300 people in DC with several cultural artists and expressions to show solidarity with Palestine. We raised money for Palestine Legal and the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund. 
  • Participated in a local coalition of activists fighting against police crimes and political repression called the DC Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. A few of our members traveled to Chicago this year to participate in the 50th anniversary of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.

The Claudia Jones School for Political Education will be turning 4 in February of 2024 where we plan to host a large celebratory event! We will share our accomplishments with the community and continue to determine ways to build the movement in DC, how we fight for political power and to build deeper relationships with our working class neighbors. 

We look forward to working with you all in the new year!