Open Collective
Open Collective
What's Up-date: 2023
Published on December 20, 2023 by Wren Fiocco

1. What did we accomplish during 2023? How did we use money?
During 2023, we collected and found a space to store our book donations, set up our PO Box, and sent over two dozen books to prisoners! While we set up our OpenCollective page this year, we didn’t need to use the funds raised on it yet because we had enough cash from our initial in-person fundraiser to cover our PO Box and postage fees. 

2. What challenges did we face during 2023? What did our collective learn? How did we change or grow? 
In 2023, we struggled with capacity within our collective, and we were on a bit of a hiatus over the summer. We are still trying to figure out how to build momentum and bring in new members, and we learned that it is important to distribute the workload and not have anything depend entirely on one member of the collective. 

3. What are our plans for 2024? Anything exciting coming up?
Our plans for 2024 are to do more outreach to prisoners and get more book requests so we can send out more books! Once more requests start rolling in, we hope to have monthly packing parties that we can invite volunteers to, instead of just doing all the book packing ourselves. We also hope to work more with local bookstores to get the exact books requested by prisoners.