We progressed from completing internet searches for zoning jurisdiction information from 36% to 93% of entries for North Carolina.
We started zoning jurisdiction data collection for South Carolina.
We uploaded jurisdiction names and government types for North Carolina and South Carolina into the National Zoning Atlas Editor.
We held outreach meetings to share information about the Zoning Atlas with contacts at universities and affordable housing nonprofits.
We are in the process of redesigning our web page. Here’s a sneak peak of our new color scheme! Color scheme: light blue, dark blue, off black, goldenrod, light green.
Along with the new design, we are developing an inclusive collaboration process to maintain our site. This process is described in our Codeberg Wiki. Three volunteers attended the Write the Docs Atlantic online conference to learn more about documentation and host this effort as a project during their Writing Day–where they met and welcomed a new Code for the Carolinas volunteer!
We also shared a presentation about the use of logic models for tracking impact in civic tech at the Code for All Summit.
We already know there will be some exciting developments to report for 4Q and year-end, along with completing the Code for America transition process with a new name and new domain.
Warm regards, The Code for the Carolinas Core Team Jennifer, Matt, Pamela