Open Collective
Open Collective

Introduction to hand-tool woodworking (adults)

Six week course, taught by Bil Bas, to gain skills with primarily hand-tools (planes, saws, etc), with possibility to use some power tools. All tools and materials provided. Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 & Feb 6, 13.

Monday, January 9, 2023, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (UTC+00:00)


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Introduction to hand-tool woodworking (adults)

Updates on our activities and progress.

Plans for tonight

I thought we might build a mini workbench together, like the one I built. Joining some 2x3 lumber to make the bed this week - we can talk about the exact design based on your experiences of using the one we already have.
Read more
Published on January 30, 2023 by Bil Bas

Only a couple of days to go!

Contribute to Introduction to hand-tool woodworking (adults) to see this Update
Published on January 7, 2023 by Bil Bas

The sessions will start next Monday

Contribute to Introduction to hand-tool woodworking (adults) to see this Update
Published on January 4, 2023 by Bil Bas


Lesson Plan

The first three sessions will involve you learning how to use the tools we have in the workshop for working with wood. The last three sessions will allow you to create items using the skills you've learned - if you have ideas please ask if they are appropriate or we can give suggestions (I particularly like making my own tools and have a few examples).

The class is only for 4 students at a time, so you will get plenty of direct contact and supervision.

Hand tools

Previous classes have been introduced to using planes, spokeshaves & chisels for shaping wood and tenon saws and mitre saws for cutting wood precisely. Accurate marking is also critical before making any cuts, so that is also taught.

Power Tools

You can get through the course without using any power tools, but the drill press can accurately drill holes and the bandsaw is great for fast cutting out of shapes.


The tools, especially the power tools, are very dangerous if used improperly. Each tool will be introduced individually and you will be taught how to use it safely.

Personal Protection Equipment

You are recommended to use a dust mask (a COVID mask will suffice), ear protection and/or eye protection with the tools. If you have these things, please bring them, but if not they can be provided. A workshop apron (cooking apron will suffice) is also a good idea if you aren't wearing clothes you don't mind getting dusty.

Our team

John Barbrook

For SnackSpace Nibbles

Bil Bas

Designer, Coder, Woodworker, Maker

Mark Keating

Core Contributor


Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #770991
Today’s balance

--.-- GBP

Total raised

£254.59 GBP

Total disbursed

£254.59 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£33.54 GBP