TT course April/June - tauiwi pākehā edition (fully online)
7 week course building skills, community and confidence for challenging anti-Māori racism online
Sunday, April 30, 2023, 9:00 AM - Sunday, June 18, 2023, 1:00 PM (UTC+13:00)
Created by: Tauiwi Tautoko
Fiscal Host: Gift Collective

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from TT course April/June - tauiwi pākehā edition (fully online)
Updates on our activities and progress.
The April pākehā course is now full!!!
You can still donate to the course or the TT project overall but this does not mean you are enrolling for the April course. We will post an update on new course dates soon. Thanks for your support!
Published on April 27, 2023 by Ann Cloet

Movements are emerging, more powerful than ever, to further tino rangatiratanga, decolonisation, constitutional transformation, and Te Tiriti justice. At the same time, backlash is ramping up, and our online discourse presents ever more disinformation, abuse, and overwhelm. We believe that challenging this backlash and anti-Māori racism is part of the ecosystem of change to create a Te Tiriti-based future, and all Tangata Tiriti (people of the treaty) have a responsibility and role to play.
Tauiwi Tautoko trains tauiwi (non-Māori) to tautoko (support) Te Tiriti transformation by challenging anti-Māori racism from within our own communities. Over seven weeks, volunteers learn and practise a set of proven strategies from the anti-racist toolkit to ‘call in’ racist comments and gently challenge and change racist views. We focus on online racism for the course as it’s a place tautoko is needed—and the difference of this group’s work is tangible. The online environment is also a training ground for building skills and confidence for anti-racist conversations in our own offline spheres of influence.
After hearing from those who've taken the course over the years, we're now offering two versions of the course: one for Tauiwi Pākehā and one for Tauiwi of the Global Majority (tauiwi of colour). While we are all connected in this work and form a broader community of Tangata Tiriti, our different experiences of racism mean differences for both learning and practice. Running two streams allows for conversations that couldn’t happen otherwise.
Both courses will run 30 April–18 June 2023 (7 weeks), with opportunities to connect and work together over this time.
Tauiwi Pākehā course:
- Available nationwide and will take place fully online.
- Will open with a half-day hui on Sunday 30 April and end with a half-day hui on Sunday 18 June.
- There will be 7 weekly online learning sessions between these dates. These sessions will be held via Zoom every Wednesday from 7 to 8:30pm, starting on 3 May.
To best support the learning and community over this seven-week period, please apply only if you are able to attend the opening hui and at least 5 of the 7 Wednesday weekly online learning sessions.
Participants will have to be willing and able to contribute approximately 4 hours’ work per week to this course. This includes reviewing weekly resources, attending the weekly training webinars, and actively practising this approach online (about 28 hours over 7 weeks, plus 2 half-day hui). You will also have to be comfortable with spending time online, specifically on Facebook, for training purposes. Use of a computer or tablet is strongly suggested to make the most of the resources, learning, and practice.
The programme has limited capacity and is offered for free. If you are able to make a donation towards the course, this will help us pay for the facilitation team, a ‘reflector’ who gives weekly feedback on your online work, curriculum design, and much more.
We would love to have you join us and be part of an ever-growing community who are working together to address the backlash to tino rangatiratanga and decolonisation!
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Credit from Renata Jadresin Milic to TT course April/June - tauiwi pākehā edition (fully online) •
Contribution #650640
Credit from Michelle Conway to TT course April/June - tauiwi pākehā edition (fully online) •
Contribution #650030
Today’s balance--.-- NZD
Total raised
$3,875.05 NZD
Total disbursed
$3,875.05 NZD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- NZD