Code with Asheville
Fiscal Host: Sunshine Labs
Code with Asheville is made up of people who care about our community and want to help make it better.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Transparent and open finances.
-$28.80 USD
Reimbursement #230274
-$28.80 USD
Reimbursement #230272
-$28.80 USD
Reimbursement #223671
Today’s balance$1,175.34 USD
Total raised
$1,507.51 USD
Total disbursed
$332.17 USD
Estimated annual budget
$106.42 USD
We are Code with Asheville
We are people who care about our community and want to help make it better.
We use technology to address social issues that impact our community.
- We build apps, websites and dashboards.
- We connect communities with essential technologies.
- We help grass-roots activists use data to inform their policy advocacy.
And we’re not just coders.
Code with Asheville members range from hard-core programmers and data geeks to neighborhood organizers and social activists working with local governments to find creative solutions to our common challenges.