Open Collective
Open Collective

Invoice #60212 to Common Good

Setup Fee

Invoice #60212

Submitted by The Social Change NestApproved by Jaimie Ferguson

Jan 5, 2022

Invoice items
Setup Fee
Date: January 5, 2022
£42.00 GBP

Total amount £42.00 GBP

Additional Information


Common Good@commongood_
£530.30 GBP

payout method

Bank account

By The Social Change Neston
Expense created
By Jaimie Fergusonon
Expense approved
By The Social Change Neston
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £42.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Common Good: £42.00

Collective balance
£530.30 GBP

Fiscal Host
The Social Change Nest

Expense policies
Common Good – Financial Policy

Our approach to money
We may need to adapt our policies as the movement grows and/or more money comes in but a few principles will remain:

We only raise funds to enable our events
We only collect financial support in order to cover genuine costs and enable the events we run. We may build up a surplus for a particular event if interest is high and costs are low but it is not our intention to allow funds to accumulate. We will look to spend it where needed as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
We broaden debate by being inclusive
Events should ideally be free to attend, fun and inclusive. We want to maximise engagement, removing barriers to attendance and contribution wherever possible. 
“To change everything, we need everyone”.
We encourage support but do not offer membership
Common Good is not looking to raise significant funds or form a membership body. 
We welcome one off or ongoing financial contributions (large or small) from both individuals and organisations but this brings no influence or favour. Contributions are all recognised in the same way - we do not offer opportunities for corporate sponsorship.
Transparent money management based on trust
We work on the basis of mutual respect and the understanding that all of us are volunteering our time to support the Common Good ethos. This feeds through to a high degree of trust around the financial management of events. 
If everything we do is transparent, the movement will be able to self-regulate with many eyes helping to keep us accountable. To assist with this all transactions in and out are publicly recorded on (insert link here when available).
We will decentralize where possible
It is easier to manage smaller amounts of money and to take decisions locally, closer to where the money is needed. That’s why we suggest local Common Good groups should form for particular regions or interest areas, create their own collective to start managing their own fundraising and expenses. 
The initial team are here to offer support to help them get their own Working Group up and running. In the meantime, they are free to use the national collective (insert link here when available)

Expenses incurred in the running of an event can be reclaimed. These could include the following:
·      Venue hire
·      Speaker travel (if requested)
·      Speaker fees (although we generally encourage volunteers)
·      AV or broadcast licence charges
Others will occur of course and should be discussed with a financial monitor (currently set up as Vicky, Paul, David and Jaimie but we can keep this under review) before committing to the expenditure.
For expense claims you can submit a request via (insert link here when available) and these will be paid via bank transfer or PayPal. Any expense claim will need to be signed off by one of the financial monitors. An expense submitted by a monitor will need to be signed off by another monitor.
Finance Monitors
Their role is to approve expenses and keep an overview on levels of funds to ensure we are making good use of any finance raised. 

The current monitors are:

  • Vicky
    (Manchester, insert link here when available)
  • David (Trafford, (insert link here when available)
  • Paul (Trafford, insert link here when available)
  • Jaimie (Stockport, insert link here when available)

This team is to be reviewed regularly at our catch up meetings to see if changes or additional monitors are needed.

Feel free to reach out to them if you have questions about an expense that you'd like to make. 

Can we rent a room?
As always, try first to get a room for free but if needed, you can rent a place to meet for your Common Good event. 
For general meeting space and catch ups we rely on the support of engaged individuals and their employers. Failing that a café will always work.

Can we get compensation as a volunteer?
In short, no. If you need to spend a full day for Common Good (e.g. as a trainer, facilitator or organizer), this will need to be done at no cost to the group. If you can not arrange with your employer it will need to be in your own time.

Can we charge for tickets?
Ideally not and please work to avoid this. For some events, venues or speakers this may be unavoidable but the amount should be held as low as possible.

We can use EventBrite to manage tickets through the centralised Common Good account.


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

£530.30 GBP