Three months into lockdown, Cooperation Kentish Town shared over 15,000 meals.
Exactly three months ago, Cooperation Kentish Town started its Covid19 operation. Yesterday they delivered their 15,600th meal!
At the peak of lockdown, Cooperation Kentish Town made weekly deliveries to 150 households on low or no income. While this number has now slightly reduced, due to people being able to return to work or finally receiving their benefits, we’re not expecting the need to go away.
Covid19 exposed the brutality of living in Tory Britain and the inevitable consequences of politically motivated austerity, namely, keeping a whole section of the population in abject poverty and turning us into passive charity recipients.
But we have a plan! We know that there is enough food in the UK to keep everyone fed and enough spaces where we can organise to feed ourselves.
We are in the process of turning the network we developed over the past months into a mass movement of autonomous food co-ops!
We are now hearing every day from new and experienced organisers all around the country, who want to set up new food co-ops in their areas. We are working on an accessible pack with informations, forms and advice about starting a co-op. We started something big. Join us!
More info on (and soon on a new dedicated website).
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