Open Collective
Open Collective
App Development is happening now on GitHub repository
Published on March 31, 2020 by Hernán Morales Durand

Welcome to our project page at OpenCollective.

We set up a GitHub repository to collaborate by building a React App (under MIT License). Feel free to fork the repo, write issues, provide feedback, check the Contribution Guide and our Trello Board to keep updated with the latest developments. One of our project supporters (JOGL) also provided us with a space and a lot of help in getting the App done.

As we are building our first release, the Slack channel is moving super fast, and you may get better help onboarding first by checking at the Trello cards, to see what you could collaborate better, and which people fits your skills.

Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate! We need to support ourselves in times like this, and we as human beings need to help each other.

Hernán Morales Durand