Open Collective
Open Collective
What happened in August?
Published on August 31, 2023 by Lucie Anglade


During August, WeasyPrint reached 6K stars 🌟 on GitHub!
Thanks a lot to all our contributors 💜.

We’re still looking for testers to try some WeasyPrint executables for Linux, MacOS and Windows 🤓.
So if you’re interested in helping us with this, you can send us a mail!

Also, CairoSVG 2.7.1 has been released 🎉.
With this new version, CairoSVG can now handle data-URLs in safe mode, even-odd fill rule for gradients and patterns; and some bugs have been fixed too!

A small reminder that we’ll be hosting a workshop about documents generation at Paris Web on September 30th 📜.
Don’t hesitate to come and say hi, we’ll be happy to meet you in real life 😄!

That’s all for this month!

Thanks for supporting us 💜

The CourtBouillon team 🍲