Open Collective
Open Collective
What Happened in June?
Published on June 28, 2024 by Lucie Anglade


During June, two versions of WeasyPrint have been released: v62.2 and v62.3 🎉
These releases fix several issues with grids, tables, footnotes and multicolumn layouts.
Also, thanks to the financial support of Menutech, WeasyPrint now handles "grid-auto-flow: column" 💖

Currently, we’re working on bringing CSS Color 4 into WeasyPrint, which means you’ll be able to use new color syntaxes and definitions 🌈

At to finish this update, next week we’ll be at SunnyTech in Montpellier (France). Don’t hesitate to come and say hi 👋

That’s all for this month!

Thanks for supporting us 💜

The CourtBouillon team 🍲