Open Collective
Open Collective
What we're doing right now
Published on April 17, 2020 by Liam Murphy

CultureBanked continues to develop and campaign for Community Rights Management - whether in relation to setting up open value networks for Covid-19 mutual aid groups, designing testing kits or vaccines or even running something as simple a shared book group or trade school. Our aim is to enable sharing and management of open data and rights in a way that can also build shared wealth. Not just managing contributions but also managing decisions, voting, data sharing, API's and so on. We aim to do all of this whilst 'ceding in' democracy by 'banking' a nominal % of transactions and sales for local authorities and/or citizens assemblies where they exist. In essence we want to build an interface for communities to manage community wealth.

The vision might be some way off but it is happening. We have created a dedicated channel within Kendraio App, here; This is an early demo with Daniel and I which begins to explore how the process could work - we've moved beyond this now, but it gives some idea of how communities might be able to assert rights, get remuneration and join together on common causes: By teaming up with Kendraio (see this link to their latest activities):, we want to build a service within their data browser that will enable collectives to interact better with the market place and with their own members.

By having this dedicated open-collective account, we are also running a fund to help us develop this interface as well as, enabling the users we work with to make contributions to local democratic services. If you are a group, business or collective which is interested in contributing to common causes, managing your rights and data and having your contributions accounted for, please get in touch. We are keen to find user cases and proof of concept projects.