Open Collective
Open Collective
Dat Ecosystem Wishes You All the Best in 2024
Published on January 2, 2024 by Nina Breznik

Dear Friends of Dat,
As we begin the new year, we would like to thank you for your engagement and important contributions throughout 2023 in support of our mission. 2023 was another impactful year for Dat Ecosystem in catalyzing the growth of p2p projects and creating more opportunities for people and communities to use tools that respect their privacy and control of their own data. Our efforts would have been impossible without the support and commitment of our community, our funders and donors, as well as our consortium members, collaborators, volunteers, and users.
We look forward to continuing this important work together in 2024. We also look forward to commemorating and celebrating the 10th anniversary of Dat throughout the year.
We would like to wish you and yours all the best for the year ahead.

Dat Consortium