Open Collective
Open Collective
Fundraising campaign
Published on May 2, 2023 by Lorax Horne

We have launched a new fundraising campaign at

This stand-alone link was created so that we could post about the campaign to social media sites like Twitter, where our home page links are still banned.

This summer will be critical for the future of DDoSecrets. The size of our collection has grown beyond our current capacity to handle the workload. We need to rapidly expand our staff and our technical infrastructure, in order to accommodate the steady increase in the number and the size of our dataset submissions, and also the growing number of requests for our data.

If we cannot raise the funding for another year of DDoSecrets, we will have to consider shutting down. This is an outcome that none of us want. The feedback we receive from both readers and sources is that our service is still necessary.

We are deeply grateful to the community at Open Collective, who were our first crowd-funders, and who continue to contribute sustaining donations that allow us to keep the lights on.

Please spread this link far and wide:, to help inspire others to join the Distributed Denial of Secrets.