Open Collective
Open Collective
Don't forget to register for DWeb Camp!
Published on April 24, 2023 by Ian Davis

Hey everyone,

As mentioned earlier, we're exciting to be partnering with the Internet Archive to bring the unconference format to this year's DWeb Camp. It'll be a big update to the DWeb Camp schedule -- all day Saturday will be set aside for unscheduled, emergent sessions similar to DecentSocial.

For those of you who don't know about DWeb Camp, it's an event held every year in the California redwoods, where community networker builders, technologists, policymakers, artists, DAO researchers, poets, activists, and families all gather to try to build a better Web.
The goal is to help co-create a Web that offers us all more privacy, data sovereignty, and security.

You can get a good feel for the event in this trailer: We really hope you can join us -- this year it'll take place Jun 21-25 in Navarro California. You can get tickets and tents by registering at

One last thing -- We've been working with the Holocchain team to prototype a new app to help coordinate the emergent unconference sessions at DWeb Camp, and we'd love your help to test it on May 9th at 12pm Pacific (8pm London). We'll send out more details on how to join us for the test run as the date approaches.

Hope to see you in the redwoods,
:) Ian