Open Collective
Open Collective
Wow! What a conference!
Published on February 15, 2023 by Ian Davis

Huge thanks to everyone who came out and made it to the first ever DecentSocial!

I've been filled with joy all week from being able to join with you all and connect on these issues. Though there were some lively and important disagreements, the results from the Polis conversation show that at the end of the day we've got a lot of shared beliefs about how to tackle these problems.

As a group, we collected over $1900 CAD for the community. Some of that has gone to pay for the infrastructure needs of this first event, but the rest (about $1600 CAD) will be earmarked for inclusion scholarships to make sure that the next event represents even more of the diverse communities trying to fix the social web.

Right now, the organizers are hard at work compiling the notes from all the sessions into a single easy to use place. We're hoping to have something published for you on our website in the next few weeks. If you don't mind delving into the raw data, you can get a sneak peak by going back to the spreadsheet to check out the notes on the sessions you missed.

As a closing note, we're always interested in doing better. We collected some feedback from folks during the event itself, but we'd love to hear from you if you have any more to share.

Looking forward to building this community with you all,
:) Ian