Open Collective
Open Collective

Digital Aotearoa Collective

Fiscal Host: Gift Collective

Creating values based systemic transformation for an egalitarian society in Aotearoa NZ


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Financial Contributions

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Become a backer for $5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$5 NZD / month

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Become a sponsor for $100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$100 NZD / month

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Support the following initiatives from Digital Aotearoa Collective.

Develop a research question to guide R&D for the creation of a Multi-stakeholder Governance Entity
Preparing regulations to used and reused in foundational registry solutions

Top financial contributors


"GovZero pledge - Salsa Digital"

$22,080 NZD since May 2022

Hamish Fraser

$95 NZD since Sep 2022


Cardano Foundation

$145,546.64 NZD since Aug 2022

Digital Aotearoa Collective is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting Digital Aotearoa Collective.


Transparent and open finances.

Invoice #196364
Contribution #575324
Invoice #191232
Today’s balance

$15,639.60 NZD

Total raised

$153,651.95 NZD

Total disbursed

$138,012.35 NZD

Estimated annual budget

$60.00 NZD


Digital Aotearoa Collective is a community of open collaboration between diverse and passionate people engaged in systemic transformation. Our mission is to develop digital infrastructure projects that will reduce injustice and increase wellbeing.

We want great public-digital-infrastructure, institutions, services, products and tools that benefit us all.  We work together on practical ways to help serve and support all people and communities to achieve that. We use information technology to move decisions to local contexts to achieve outcomes and hold each other and governing entities to account for those outcomes. 

We are currently creating our community intention, v.01, to reflect and represent the Aotearoa NZ context and cultures. Anyone can join, propose projects, collaborate with others, and act to create better futures for everyone.

Digital Aotearoa Collective is influenced by and acknowledges inspiring efforts in Taiwan, where technologists, designers, storytellers, public servants, activists, companies and social organisations all collaborate on tackling the wicked problems facing their society. 

Our team