Rap X Rock
Published on March 28, 2022 by Faris
B/H/S: U sklopu eventa održana je interaktivna radionica udruženja Sinapsa nakon koje je uslijedio raznolik muzički program. Publiku su zabavljali mladi DJ-evi Mex i Arsla, Hip Hop dvojac Dex i Mastho, rock bend Sindrom Z, a na afteru su nas svojim setovima razdrmali Nadja Si i DJ Arsla.
ENG: As part of the event, we held an interactive workshop of the Synapse Association, followed by a diverse music program. The audience was entertained by young DJs Mex and Arsla, Hip Hop duo Dex and Mastho, rock band Syndrome Z, and at the afters Nadja Si and DJ Arsla shook us with their sets.
ENG: As part of the event, we held an interactive workshop of the Synapse Association, followed by a diverse music program. The audience was entertained by young DJs Mex and Arsla, Hip Hop duo Dex and Mastho, rock band Syndrome Z, and at the afters Nadja Si and DJ Arsla shook us with their sets.