Open Collective
Open Collective
Live conference components closed - conference continues!
Published on March 7, 2022 by Neal R Haddaway

The live aspects of  ESMARConf2022 event have now finished, but ESMARConf2022 continues as the livestreams, workshops and individual talks are all available on YouTube indefinitely.

Check out the conference content, search for specific talks and browse the programme for ESMARConf2022 here:

If you would like to support ESMARConf and help to provide funding for ensuring participants with constraints (like caregiving responsibilities, quiet room access, equipment needs and access to generators and mobile internet) can attend next year, please do consider paying for ESMARConf2022 registration. Although the live event is over, you can still support us financially by paying for a formal conference registration, which you can claim back from department budgets or other sources. Your continued support is so valuable to ensuring ESMARConf is as accessible and equitable as possible! Thank you :)