Open Collective
Open Collective
Retiring the OpenCollective
Published on August 22, 2020 by David Luecke

Hello everybody!

This will be the last Feathers OpenCollective update. Thank you to everybody who contributed so far! I have decided to retire the Feathers OpenCollective for the following reasons:

  • Although I tried to make the process as transparent and accessible as possible, I was the only one making use of it
  • As a non-US resident, dealing with tax forms and PayPal payouts has been difficult
  • As a "collective" it is difficult to offer more direct perks (like one-on-one support)
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, the collective lost most most major sponsors 

As an alternative, I encourage you to sponsor the developers of your favourite projects directly via GitHub sponsors, for example myself (@daffl - Feathers core), marshallswain (feathers-vuex) or bertho-zero (feathersjs/hooks). The remaining funds will be used to sponsor developers of Feathers projects on GitHub and support initiatives around open source sustainability and education.