FoFS minutes 6/1/25
Published on January 6, 2025 by Martyn Rawlinson
1. Welcome & apologies
In att: MR, GS, ZC, BC, SS, JM, Mr & Mrs G + MT & MD
2. Waverley Park
Mark Taylor, Head of Parks at PCC, presented updates to the Waverley Park levelling up scheme, going to Planning committee in February. Sport England objection regarding paths has been resolved. Barriers all the way around to stop illegal encampments. Motorcycle gates to reduce illegal bikes. Fully revamped play area, skate park and bike pump track. New changing pavilion and revamped ‘bowling’ pavilion. Extra car park for footballers from Miller Rd entrance. Wildflower areas to meet increased biodiversity targets.
Outstanding questions on usage of community area in new football pavilion. To be revisited at the appropriate time.
3. Paul’s Pad
Some ASB on the pad and graffiti on the UU boundary. To be reported.
4. Planning applications
Discussions on Maitland Mill, Wilbraham club and London House.
5. FoFS Member Recruitment
Marc Dunne, PCC Community Engagement Officer presented his current role to he group. New Youth Strategy being developed, multi-stakeholder strategy with young people and many community and statutory partners (160 organisations in total). Themes emerging include community safety, opportunities for skill, health and resilience, empowerment. Youth forum continues to develop, next meeting Feb 13th 6pm-8pm Livesey building at UCLan. PCC developing work experience program.
Also informed of a sustainable employment program for adults yet to start.
Focus on problems due to vaping and illegal motorcycling. Young people vaping and illegal vapes being available; illegal bikes on roads and community spaces.
Discussion on how FoFS could engage with young people in the area, increase membership and develop new ideas/projects for the area. Marc advised he would try and connect some young people with FoFS and discuss FoFS needs with the community engagement team.
6. A.O.B. Date required for ‘Spring Clean’ litter pick. Discussion on empty properties, Acregate Pub and 208 Brockholes View. Discussion on future of St. Matts Mission that may be under threat as a community asset.