Open Collective
Open Collective
On seeing that we have exceeded our total, I have to admit, the emotions came back to life. I was just as overwhelmed as the tears poured down my face as they are again now writing this. But what you people have done for my family...
Published on September 14, 2023 by Food & Solidarity

Just getting my head round your overwhelming generosity and support and aware that others are still adding to this total, removing the added pressure of how to pay for bailiffs, storage etc.

I was aware that being made homeless can quickly trigger a downward spiral of debt, inability to work and general escalating dysfunction and mental and physical health issues. I could see it looming for me and my children adding fear to the mix, sleepless nights and a feeling of hopelessness was kicking in. When the judge put £1315 costs on me, I felt completely helpless, like I'd been kicked in the stomach. 

I felt myself disassociate from everything at that point. I felt nothing, incapable of acting, thinking or taking any further steps in what appeared to be a futile and foregone conclusion. Trying to defend myself and my family had postponed the inevitable by 4 weeks but added debt to the mix. I felt numb, confused, and sick. So glad Fred and Lorna (Fellow members of Food & Solidarity) were there to support us all. They instantly talked of next steps. I heard their words and felt their support, but had little idea of what was to come.

On seeing that we have exceeded our total, I have to admit, the emotions came back to life. I was just as overwhelmed as the tears poured down my face as they are again now writing this. But what you people have done for my family, with your compassion, empathy, generosity and Solidarity, is halt that downward spiral in its tracks. Whatever lies ahead, I can't ever say I'm alone and, we will not face it in debt!! I'm sleeping again. I no longer feel permanently sick and detached, I'm no longer waking to dread, the fear has gone. Furthermore, I know I have the support to face the days ahead. That I cannot put a price on. The housing situation remains the same and yes I'm not looking forward to eviction and all that entails. I still have no idea where we'll be in a months time, but I feel carried and supported. My family is one victim and statistic this system will not claim and that's down to everyone who read, shared, contributed, supported, empathised, related and cared.

Thank you SO much. You have actually changed the trajectory of our situation, restored hope and shown that acting together as a community, really works.

I know this is a crisis across the UK and thousands are currently undergoing this and far worse, without support. I'm really hoping we can use our story and join with others to add to the voice and raise awareness, and together bring change and hope. If you wish to join Food & Solidarity or have a story you wish to share, you can find them here. Maybe there's a group local to you, or perhaps you'd like to start one, or maybe your involvement ends here. Either way, thank you so much, I cannot put a value on the impact you have made to the lives of me and my children and our situation. The heartfelt wishes, gifts and support you have shown to me and my family will return to you in whatever shape or form you need it, when you need it, that's just the way it is.

If you previously shared the post, please could you share this one too, as I don't know of any other way to reach everyone.

So much love and thanks. Grace, Declan, and Ash. X