Open Collective
Open Collective
Change in Gift Collective Structure
Published on July 3, 2024 by Chloe Spedding

Kia ora koutou,

We're reaching out to let you know about a behind the scenes change to the structure of Gift Collective. This will not impact the services provided to Collectives; we just want to be transparent about it so you know. Gift Collective was co-created by two partner entities who have both played an important role: The Gift Trust as the umbrella charitable trust partner, and Open Collective NZ as the software and operational setup partner. Now that Gift Collective is well up and running, Open Collective NZ is winding down and Gift Collective will be carried forward just by The Gift Trust. Nothing will be changing about the online platform, services provided, or the team you've come to know. Continue to contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

We thought now would be a good time to clarify the names and terms that are used surrounding Gift Collective, as we know it can get confusing when there are a lot of crossovers.

Gift Collective
Gift Collective is our charitable fundholding service, which you are currently registered with. We are the ones that receive your grants and pay out your expenses. Gift Collective was previously a service that was jointly owned and operated by The Gift Trust and Open Collective NZ…now it will be run solely by The Gift Trust.

The Gift Trust
The Gift Trust is a registered charitable trust (CC40774) and is one of the two partners that runs Gift Collective (alongside OCNZ). The Gift Trust is the legal charitable entity and the fiscal host that allows your project to sit under our charitable umbrella. The Gift Trust’s main purpose is as a philanthropic trust, with more than a decade of experience in the grant-making and charity sector in Aotearoa and a track record of managing millions of dollars in philanthropic funding. As the registered charity, The Gift Trust is usually the name you put on your funding applications.

Open Collective NZ
Open Collective NZ (OCNZ) is a company founded by a kiwi to bring the internationally successful Open Collective software platform, and the fundholding service it enables, to kiwi projects. OCNZ is in the process of winding down and will soon close.

Open Collective
This is the name of the software platform that Gift Collective uses. Open Collective was developed and run from the USA but it is now international and is used by hundreds of other fiscal hosts around the world. Your project will have a webpage set up on the Open Collective platform from which you can receive and spend money.

This is the term that we use to describe each group who uses our service. We currently have 91 Collectives registered with Gift Collective.

We hope this provides a bit more clarity!