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Grant #223657 to goldsmiths mutual aid

Matilde Araoz Ellis

Grant #223657

Submitted by Matilde Araoz EllisApproved by Tom Greenwood

Oct 8, 2024

Request Details
I am a gallery assistant at the Goldsmiths CCA who lost work due to the gallery's abrupt closure. The GUCU has kindly offered a solidarity payment of £100 to each gallery worker for our lost work. Thank you! 
£100.00 GBP

Total amount £100.00 GBP

Additional Information


goldsmiths mutual aid@goldsmithsmutualaid
£3,238.82 GBP

payout method

Bank account

Comments are private.

You must be signed in as an admin or the expense submitter to read comments on an expense.

Expense created
Expense approved
Expense scheduled for payment
Expense processing
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £100.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for goldsmiths mutual aid: £100.00
Collective balance
£3,238.82 GBP

Current Fiscal Host
The Social Change Nest

Expense policies
We set up this mutual aid hardship fund in 2020 in order to offer support to those in our community who are precariously employed and lost hours and pay as a result of changes and cuts made in light of COVID-19, including the closure of campus, the cancellation of exams, and the move to online teaching. Now in summer 2023 we are opening the fund for its 4th round of applications, which will run until August 23rd 2023. We are also seeking to raise additional funds to support those facing the ongoing impacts of redundancies as well as the impact of deductions relating to GUCU industrial action in 2023.

In creating this fund, we want to be clear that we believe that mutual aid is no substitute for support that should come from institutions, whether the College or the Government, through the guarantee of full pay or significant hardship funds. So far, this support has not been forthcoming, and we cannot stand by and watch our colleagues suffer. Since the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, many at Goldsmiths have lost employment, and many more redundancies have been threatened and enacted by restructure plans. (While some staff were furloughed during Covid-19 lockdowns, Goldsmiths SMT decided it was ‘not appropriate’ to furlough many of our casualised colleagues.) Needless to say, these circumstances have created considerable hardship, uncertainty and impossible choices for many of our most precarious colleagues. 

This is not a GUCU fund but is operated by GUCU members in a personal capacity, with the support of the branch. We hope that this, as well as the transparency of the Open Collective platform, will help to give confidence that the funds will be managed and distributed with integrity. People have donated to the fund through . Please note that access to this fund is not restricted to UCU members, though we would encourage everyone to join one of the unions on campus.   


This fund will be available to workers at Goldsmiths, University of London, or those who worked for Goldsmiths and lost earnings or did not have their contract renewed due to the ongoing crisis. You may be an AL, GTT, short course teacher, fixed term teaching or professional staff, contracted by Goldsmiths through an external agency to provide services to the University, or other employee or worker at Goldsmiths. 

We will prioritise by circumstances with the aim of supporting as many people as meaningfully as we possibly can.   

Union membership
You do not have to be a member of UCU or any other union to apply for this hardship fund. However, we strongly recommend that you join a union and join the struggle for fair and sustainable employment environments.

The Unions recognised by Goldsmiths are:
· University and College Union (UCU)
Other unions with members on campus include: IWGB, UVW & CAIWU

Application process

We will require minimal evidence for the application process, such as a narrative and ‘back of envelope maths’ as to what you have lost or what you need to cover the basics. We do not need to see your bank statements, but you could add a payslip or an email from HR, agency, or Head of Department that states that you have lost work/hours. We do need proof to see that you are/were employed by Goldsmiths such as your full name, your Goldsmiths role or email address.

We opened the application process in June 2020 for the first funding round of applications. A second funding round took place in October 2020 and a third in Spring 2021. Now in 2023 we are seeking to raise additional funds to support those facing the ongoing impacts of redundancies as well as the impact of deductions linked to ongoing industrial action. The fund is now open for a fourth round of applications until August 23rd 2023.

If you know someone who would be eligible for the Hardship Fund but does not have internet/computer access to fill in the form, please email us at and we will work to support them without the form.

Our declared aim is to provide support and relief to those most affected by this crisis and will work to approve rather than refuse applications.

Universal Credit recipients

Some may receive Universal Credit (UC). We need to be cautious because payments from the Hardship Fund may affect your UC eligibility. If you or someone you know is receiving UC and still struggling to make ends meet, we are open to discuss ‘in kind’ payments. Please contact us at


Now in 2023 we are seeking to raise additional funds to support those facing the ongoing impacts of redundancies as well as the impact of deductions due to GUCU industrial action. The fund is now open for the 4th round of applications which will close on August 23rd 2023. If we can then raise additional funds, we will run further application rounds. We are hoping to be able to give approximately £200 per applicant. However, if we are short of funds we will prioritise based on need. 

We want to encourage those who need more to speak to us about their needs, and we encourage those who could make do with less to let us know that as well. We want to meaningfully support as many people as we possibly can and are open to discuss your individual circumstances.


Being affected by hardship can be a distressing experience, on top of all the worries this comes with. Your data and any information pertaining to your person will not go beyond the administrators of this hardship fund.


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

£3,238.82 GBP