SPEAKER ANNOUNCMENT: Anna Baldwin - The interesting world of red fleshed apples
Published on January 2, 2025 by Dan Hasler - Manchester Fruit Tree Coop
Having trained as a scientist, Dr Anna L Baldwin pursued a second career in top fruit
Having trained as a scientist, Dr Anna L Baldwin pursued a second career in top fruit
and orchards since 2007 learning by apprenticeship. She is interested in
encouraging people to connect with the natural world and decided that teaching how
to care for fruit trees was one way of doing this so becoming an experienced trainer.
Through learning the art of fruit naming, Anna became interested in the parentage of
apple varieties. She lives on the Essex/Suffolk border.
Anna is a member of the Orchard Network, founder member of Essex Orchard
Group (ESORG), Parentage Moderator for www.fruitID.com, and on the panel for the
Register of Local Cultivars.
There have been red-fleshed apples grown for a long time ever since apples left the
Tien Shan region of China/Kazakhstan. One group which were bred as ornamentals
but are mistaken for eaters is Malus Niedzwetzkyana which has been generally
known as ‘Wisley Crab’. The origin of this group is not entirely clear, and hybrids
were bred by some eminent Victorians and grown in vicarages and large houses
across Britain.
An investigation of Malus Niezwetzkyana aided by DNA analysis has shown some
surprising results and brought to light some hitherto unknown varieties growing
across England. This has been in collaboration with Royal Horticultural Society and
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Orchard Network, and many individuals.
Are there more red-fleshed apples to be discovered? Have you any growing near