Open Collective
Open Collective

Contribution to Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible

Monthly financial contribution to Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible (DON MENSUEL)

Contribution #180462

Payment Method

Manual (Bank Transfer)

Related Transactions

Cover of payment processor fee for refund
Received by Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible on
€0.33 EUR
Refund of "Host Fee"
Received by Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible on
€0.15 EUR
Host Fee
-€0.15 EUR
Refund of "Monthly financial contribution to Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible (DON MENSUEL)"
-€4.67 EUR
Refund of "Financial contribution to Open Collective"
Paid by Open Collective on
-$0.91 USD
Monthly financial contribution to Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible (DON MENSUEL)
Received by Grévistes de la faim pour un avenir possible on
€5.00 EUR
-€0.33 EUR (Payment Processor Fee)
Financial contribution to Open Collective
Paid by Harry Bo on
-$0.91 USD